'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Examination Results, Post Results Service, Guidance & Further Education


Post Results Service

If you are disappointed with your results from the May/June series and would like to consider a review of marking then firstly you need to establish how far away you are from the grade boundary.  Grade boundaries will be available on the exam board websites. If you feel something is wrong with the marking or you are very close to the next grade up, then please contact the head of department initially, and then follow this up via email.  Please be clear about which component (ie paper) you wish to have reviewed. 


If after careful consideration you would like to continue with the review then you need to complete the required form and ensure payment is made before the 20th September 2024.  Payment can be made through Parent Pay.  A review of marking cannot be processed until payment has been made.  Please use the link below:


Parent Pay Shop


What will it cost?

What we charge will depend on the exam board, please see fees listed below:

AQA £47 per unit/component/paper

Pearson £49.50 per unit/component/paper

OCR £66.50 per unit/component/paper

Eduqas £45.00 per unit/component/paper


Should your overall grade change for the subject you will be entitled to a refund minus a £5.00 administration fee.


How long does it take?

Up to 20 calendar days for a review of marking from the date processed


What happens next?

When your review outcome is complete a copy of the review will be either emailed or placed in the post to you.

Feeling Worried about GCSE results this year?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought big changes and uncertainty to all our lives, creating a lot of worry for everyone in the world. So, if you are feeling worried about your results, it’s understandable. Recently, we have been talking to students about exams, to help us as psychologists think again about how best to support students cope with worries about receiving results.


Understanding why you might feel worried

There are many reasons why you might feel worried before results day:

Lack of control

Feeling that things are out of your control can be unpleasant. You have often been told that your exams are important. Teachers and parents encourage you to ‘take control’ of your results by working hard and revising. Since schools were closed and exams cancelled, you may feel like this control has been taken out of your hands.

Uncertainty around the future

Having a clear idea of what the future will look like can have a positive impact on your well-being. When schools were closed, it wasn’t immediately clear what would happen with exams or grades this year. Things are clearer now, but you may still have questions: what will the grades be like for students at my school or college? What will schools, colleges and universities look like when the term starts in September? And of course, you might be facing other uncertainties too.


Putting things into perspective

If you are feeling worried about your results, try to put things into perspective:

You still have control

It’s important to remember that your grades are based on a broad range of evidence, taking into account your previous work across the 2 years of your course. Your teachers know you well and their judgements will reflect your work and achievements at school. Remember too, that if you don’t get the grade you wanted, you can take an exam in the autumn.

Things have always been uncertain

Things have been particularly uncertain recently but it’s important to remember that there is uncertainty in every part of life - especially when it comes to exams. You never know exactly what the grade boundaries will be, or what questions will come up, or how you will be feeling and do on the day. It might be helpful to recognise that uncertainty has always been there; this year, it’s just slightly different.

People understand

This year has put everybody in a unique situation, which no one had planned for or experienced before. While this has been difficult, it’s important to remember that wherever you are hoping your grades will take you (to college, university, or employment), people understand the current situation – and are doing their best to ensure that you are not disadvantaged by it.


Coping with feeling worried

Most people have to cope with worries at one time or another and it can be helpful to have strategies to try out when things seem difficult.

Try to stay ‘in the moment’

You have probably heard of ‘mindfulness’, which some people practise as a way to reduce worries and improve their well-being. This is about trying to spend more time thinking about and noticing where you are right now, rather than thinking too much about the future and its uncertainties.

This helps you focus on things that you can see, feel and hear that you enjoy. It might be something as simple as listening to your favourite music, playing a video game or taking a walk. Make a list of all the things that you enjoy doing and think about planning some of these into your days.

Develop a positive approach

Although we hope for the best, there are always times when things don’t work out, when it helps to have a positive approach:

  • it isn’t ‘the end of the world’ if you don’t do as well as you’d hoped. Disappointing news can feel like a setback, but there will be a new – and sometimes better - way forward. Your teachers are on hand to give you advice
  • take one step at a time. After results day, you don’t need to plan the rest of your life. Start by finding out who can help and then once you’ve got all the information you need, plan for next term or next year. Things will change – they always do – so sometimes it’s actually good not to make long-term plans too definite, as that can give you more to worry about
  • there are a lot of people in the same boat. During Covid-19 and lockdown, people have been reassured by things which connect them to others who are going through the same thing: for example, meeting friends on Zoom, checking in on social media, or going for socially distanced walks. People often feel reassured when they can talk to each other about their experiences and hear how other people are trying to find ways to cope. In the same way, talking to others in your year group who are also waiting for their results can be useful.

You’re not alone, and if you need help to cope during this uncertain time, talk to your friends, parents or carers, teachers or to a professional counsellor.

Click here to see full article

Guidance: Your Results, What Next?

Understanding your qualifications grades this summer.

Your results, what next?

Exams and assessments were cancelled this year due to coronavirus (COVID-19) but most students will still receive grades in time to progress to further study or employment.

Your results

The School sent the exam boards a Teacher Assessment Grade for you in each of your subjects.  A broad range of evidence was gathered to support the Grade.  Moderation took place within departments and again with Senior Management.

If your results are not what you wanted

The arrangements for grading this summer will enable the majority of students to progress to the next stage of study or employment, and you may still be able to do this even if your grade isn’t what you wanted.

Take a look at our student guide to find out more about autumn exams, making an appeal, and what to do if you have concerns about bias or discrimination.

Support Phonelines

Exam Results Helpline: Telephone 0800 100 900


National Careers Service

The Exam Results Helpline can provide information on appeals, complaints, or what your next steps may be once you’ve received your results.

National Careers Service Website

Ofqual Telephone: 0300 303 3344

Contact the Ofqual student support phoneline if you want to find out more about how you were graded, the autumn exams series, how to make an appeal or raise a concern about bias or discrimination.

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