'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

School Governors - General Information

The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the School and information about the ways in which the Governors discharge this responsibility is given in the School Profile.

Hopefully, you will find here all the information you need but if not, please do not hesitate to e-mail, telephone (023 9282 3766) or call in to the School.

The Governors are proud of the way in which the School consistently achieves excellent examination results and commendable Ofsted Reports. Both the staff and the Governors are deeply committed to the School and its pupils. The whole School community endeavour to create a warm, caring environment in which all can feel secure, have a sense of purpose and foster a commitment to genuine Christian values. We firmly believe that each individual is of equal value and we strive to ensure that each pupil achieves his or her full potential.  Governors are appointed by the Diocese.

St Edmund's Catholic School:

Is totally committed to Gospel values and the education of "the whole person".

Has a good working atmosphere within a well-ordered school.

Has a well-established and sensitive pastoral care system.

Expects high standards in dress, behaviour and courtesy.

Possesses the latest technology, which is used to support learning activities.

Has a range of out-of-school activities.

Includes Homework as an integral part of each pupil's academic programme.

Has an active Parents, Teachers and Friends Association.

Holds regular parent consultation evenings.

Opening Prayers for the FGB Meeting of 26th June 2024

Prayer Lead: In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit

All: Amen

Reader: The theme for today is: RESTING FROM OUR WORK. Reader: In our current world, resting has become a dying practice as the new pace of life places most of us under pressure. We very often overwork and overstretch, oftentimes with exhaustion and stress as the result. As we arrive the end of yet another academic year, a period typically marked by reduced activities and intensity of work for students, for staff and for governors; it could be an opportunity for rest. Science has demonstrated the proven benefits of resting; and the Lord, who designed our bodies, not only encourages, but insists that we rest. [pause…]

Reader: The Lord’s insistence on us resting is seen in today’s passage taken from Exodus 34:21.

“Six days you shall labour, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the ploughing season and harvest you must rest”.

Prayer Lead: Reflection: - God cannot get tired, yet He rested from his work of creation in Genesis 2:2. The Scriptures is laden with several references to rest. The psalmist in Psalm 23 illustrates how the Lord makes us lie down in green pastures, leading us to quiet waters just to refresh us, while in Matthew 11:28 Jesus promises to help us find it saying, “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest”. Let us all find time this period to give our minds and bodies rest.

Prayer Lead: So let us pray, everyone… .

All (slowly): Almighty God our Father, we thank you for all your benefits this academic year, helping us through important decisions and actions, granting us successes in inspections, and helping our staff and students through GCSE preparation and examinations.

As we now approach this point in the year, inspire us to understand the importance of rest. Take from us, every burden that afflict peace in our hearts, in our homes, and in our world, so that having found rest in you, we may return in the next academic year, refreshed and with more vibrant minds. These things we ask for, through Christ by whose strength we can do all things, Amen.

Prayer Lead: St. Edmund of Abingdon

All: Pray for us.

Governors Meeting Agendas

Showing 1-2 of 2

Governors Attendance

 Governor Attendance 2022-2023.pdfDownload
 Governor Attendance 2021-2022.pdfDownload
 Governors Attendance 2020-2021.pdfDownload
 Governors Attendance 2019-2020.pdfDownload
 Governors Attendance 2018~2019.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Membership of the Governing Body


Mr D Knight MBE (Chair of Governors)
Mr C Ikeatuegwu
Mrs S Carvalho
Mrs M Dobson
Fr T Hiney
Mr J Hoare
Mr C Whitfield


Associate Member

Mrs H Clarke



Dr M Whitworth



Mrs S Venables (Vice-Chair of Governors)



Mr S Graham (Headteacher)

Mr I White (IT Network Manager)



Ms L Henderson

To find out more about each Governor please click here to view their Profiles.


The Governors may be contacted by writing to the Chair at the school address:

Chair of Governors
c/o St Edmund's Catholic School
Arundel Street

The Clerk of Governors can also be contacted by writing to the above school address.

Governor Committees


Admissions Finance & Personnel Policy, Assessment & Standards

Mr D Knight MBE (Chair)

Mr S Graham

Mrs S Venables

Dr M Whitworth


Mr C Whitfield (Chair)

Mr S Graham

Mrs S Carvalho

Mr J Hoare

Mr C Ikeatuegwu

Mr D Knight MBE

Mr J Cooper (School Business Manager)

Mr I White

Mrs S Venables (Chair)

Mrs H Clarke

Mrs M Dobson

Mr S Graham

Fr T Hiney

Dr M Whitworth



Declaration of Interests

There are no Governors with any Declaration of Interests relating to Governors or members of staff.

Useful Information

 DPO 4 - Governors GDPR Compliance Statement.pdfDownload
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