'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Catholic Social Teaching

St Edmunds and Catholic Social Teaching 

At St Edmund’s the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching are well embedded into the school’s nature and mission. Catholic Social Teaching can be found in many aspects of the school life: School Polices, Pupil and Staff Conduct and within the RE Curriculum. As a school, it is our shared duty to examine the wisdom of the Bible and evaluate how this influences our own morals and actions.

“The Church has always had the duty of scrutinising the signs of the times and of interpreting them in the light of the Gospel.’ (Gaudium et Spes #4)

 We echo this teaching from Gaudium et Spes, as we as a school seek to spread and share the values of the Gospel in today’s world


What do the Pupils think?

When pupils were asked about what Catholic Social Teaching meant to them, these were some of the ideas they produced:

Doing good for the world and people in it, just as God wanted by seeing the good others do.’ (Riley


Is being kind, helping people and the environment.’ (Amber K.)

Spreading/ imprinting Catholic beliefs into society.’ (Veronika B.)

To help the people in society who are suffering, hurting or just need help.’ (Joel H.)


What do the principles look like in action?

As a staff, we have identified how the different CST principles are carried out in our everyday lives:



Human Dignity

Staff and Students treated with respect/ Celebrating diversity by remembering important festivals/ events/ Celebrating achievement in Celebration Assembly/ Merits and rewards badges

Common Good

Whole school focuses/ Behaviour policies/ Rules and Expectations/ Chaplaincy/ Trinity Suit/ Inclusion/ Duke of Edinburgh Award.


School ethos/ Mission Statement and Motto/ Bamenda RE lessons and Appeal/


School Council/ Pupil voice surveys/ Y11 Prefects/ Sports Captains/ Catenian Public Speaking Competition 


Adaptive learning strategies used in all lessons/ Philosophy and Ethics Club

Care for our common home

Litter pick/ Pond cleans/ Use of recycle bins/ Guinea Pig Club/ Dive Cornwall trip/ World Challenge Trip

Preferential treatment for the poor

SVP Group/ Funded pupil places for trips/ Pupil bursary/ Harvest appeal for local charities


Pope Francis said;

“My dear Young People, a better world can be built as a result of your efforts, your desire to change and your generosity.”  This is what we want for our students, for them to grow into the best people they can be by being mindful of God’s creation and all peoples. As well as using their gifts at the service of others.

Adelante 24

Bamenda Day 2nd March 2023

'We had a memorable day on the 2nd March 2023. It was Bamenda Day which was a day we performed different activities to show our solidarity in a place in the Cameroon called Bamenda. I enjoyed the day exceedingly because I learnt a lot and boosted my knowledge.
We started the day by learning further about Catholic Social Teaching. This is a significant teaching that involves the learning and understanding of the different aspects of Catholic religion. After that we went to different IT rooms in order to complete a fact file that contains features about Bamenda. 
Later on we had an amazing breaktime when we had the school to ourselves!
We ate and laughed and shared different things we learnt about Bamenda. We also talked about the devastating civil war that is occurring between Francophone and Anglophone parts of the country which resulted in the crucial effect that is affecting the different areas of life amongst the people in Bamenda. We talked about different ways we can fundraise other than what the school has planned to help them. 
We went back to the hall and saw an opportunity to recreate Bamenda in a way that will solve their problems both short and long term. We used our mathematical, financial and creative skills to design Bamenda. When we finished that we all went outside and did our fun run! I found it interesting we all ran as many km as we could according to our capabilities. It was tiring but fantastic!
I really enjoyed Bamenda Day, we also sent postcards to our twinned school St John Paul II in Wum. It was a wonderful experience  that we all enjoyed as a Catholic family and I would recommend it for all students in years to come.' - Isabella E, Year 8

Validation for Romero Award (Developer Level)

Validation for Romero Award (Developer Level)

We are delighted to inform you that your Developer Level application for St Edmund's Catholic School Portsmouth has been successful. 

It is encouraging that you have been enabled through your participation and achievement of the Participator Level to use the principles of Catholic Social Teaching to develop your work with the whole school community in making CST more recognisable and explicit particularly during the disruption caused by Covid19 pandemic.’  

Many congratulations on achieving the Developer Level. Judith H 23/01/22  
The above words were part of a validation that we received when we achieved our second level, The Developer Level, of the Oscar Romero Award in January 2022, which focused on the years from our first Validation in 2018 and leading up to 2022.  

‘I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me’, is our school mission statement. It is through our Spiritual Program for the year (see poster), our prayer life (Tutor Prayer, Adoration Program, Easter Liturgies, Christmas liturgies), our curriculum (Audit revealing how CST permeates each department), our fundraising and outreach to charities both locally and overseas (Food collections for Harvest, Food collected for InSight, Christmas Fundraising for local charities such as ‘Childline’, Bamenda, CAFOD, St Vincent De Paul for the homeless), our topics for assemblies, our recycle bins, our opportunities for Retreat times for each Year Group and Staff, involvement with Governors, involvement with parents, links with primary schools, local Church, Fair Trade (Fair Trade fortnight and competitions, Fair Trade products at school), our Chaplaincy and St Vincent De Paul Groups, Student Voice, Our ‘Eagle Newsletter’ (written by students), School Newsletter, various after school clubs, Trinity Centre, Young Carers Group, our desire to achieve spiritual badges (see poster), outside speakers, our outreach as a school during the pandemic (E News) working with CWL and the Catenians, ALL reveal that the work we do in our everyday life at St Edmund’s is centred on CST. 


From the time of this Validation, we have continued to grow from strength to strength in the areas above as well as developing more things have been happening in our St Edmund's Family since the Validation:

  • Our Catholic Social Teaching Club
  • Our winning entry for the Environment Project
  • Our Spiritual Focus for this Year
  • Rosary Group
  • Development of our Parish Ambassadors
  • Our encouragement to have students participate in the John Paul II Award in Parishes
  • Re-starting our Parent Prayer Group
  • Synod Meetings were held with a large group of students and also a group of Staff. Findings sent to the Diocese.


‘We are called to be ambitious to grow in holiness, and to be ambitious for the kingdom of God: for the spread of the Gospel and the growth of Christ’s kingdom on earth.’ (Bible Alive)  

Together we can do all things with the help of God who strengthens us.

Chaplain Fiona


The Romero Award

Implementation of Catholic Social Teaching

In the Catholicism in English club, we regularly discuss the importance of social justice in stories we have read both in class and for pleasure. We spend time searching for ways in which characters have been denied social justice and develop ideas about how plot lines can be altered or develop to ensure equalities between characters. We have also explored ways in which we can help spread the idea of social justice to others, by developing creative writing techniques which help notify others of the importance of social justice and provide ideas as to how we can better serve our planet and those within in.

Other links - CAFOD

CAFOD are an international development charity who reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International.

Through our global Church network, one of the largest in the world, we have the potential to reach everyone. And we campaign for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.

Find out more here!