'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Key Contacts

Secondary Schools are considerably different to that of a Primary School setting with over 100 Teaching and Support staff employed. A student can be in contact with at least 6 different Teachers daily as part of their learning experience.  This can include the Tutor, Head of Year, class Teachers and duty staff.

The Governors are committed to ensuring the highest standards are maintained at St Edmund’s both in the provision of education to pupils and in every other aspect of the running of the school. A complaints procedure is an integral part of the management of a well-run school, allowing parents the opportunity to voice any concerns they may have, through the appropriate channels. The procedure has been adopted by the Governing Body to ensure a systematic and fair approach to the resolution of such concerns.

Should an issue arise in regard to staff, Teacher or relating to student concerns around behaviour, attitude or lack of progress throughout your child’s time here at St Edmund’s then we have a protocol and strategies in place for dealing with these complaints/enquiries in order to enable an effective resolution before any concerns are reached to the Headteacher.   The school will endeavour to respond to phone calls within 48 hours on school working days and to emails within 7 school working days.  Please allow up to 14 school working days following a request to meet with the Headteacher.

In emergency situations parents may come into reception in order to try and speak to a member of staff.  This will be the most appropriate person who is available.  Please bear in mind that teaching staff within the school have timetabled lessons which will always be the priority.  Support Staff will endeavour to help with your needs but may not be in a position to answer your queries or be the most appropriate person to discuss your issues.  You must make an appointment if you wish to speak to a specific member of staff

Added to the above, where possible we are continuing to reduce the amount of people coming into the school which is why we ask that an appointment is made in advance especially as some Heads of Learning have teaching commitments of their own as well as the other students within the year group to safeguard.

We value our partnership with parents as part of our extended family.

Stage 1

The initial stage of contact is to speak to the student’s Tutor, Head of  Year, or Head of Learning/Teacher (for progress concerns).  

Dial 023 9282 3766 then enter the appropriate extension:

Please note due to the installation of a new telephone system staff telephone extensions changed from the 16th August 2021 so please make a note of the revised extension numbers below:  


Heads of Year (Data accurate as at September 2023)

Year 7 Mr A Poxton

Ext 211 (Direct: 023 9289 2589)

Year 8 Mrs E Were

Ext 212 (Direct: 023 9289 2591

Year 9 Miss N Hammond

Ext 208 (Direct: 023 9289 2586)

Year 10 Mrs T Feliks-Matthews Ext 209 (Direct: 023 9289 2587)
Year 11 Miss E Tudor Ext 210 (Direct: 023 9289 2588)

SENCO Miss Dyke 023 9282 3766 Ext 230

Department Contacts

Art Ext 235
English Ext 237
Technology (T-Block) Ext 251
History Ext 240
Food Technology / Textiles Ext 238
Modern Foreign Languages Ext 242
Mathematics Ext 241
Music Ext 243
PE Ext 244
Dance Studio Ext 246
Drama Ext 245
RE Ext 247
Science Ext 248/249/250
SENCO Ext 230
ICT Ext 201/229
Geography Ext 239


All our calls are now recorded for monitoring, safeguarding and training purposes.

Stage 2

If the concern is not met to parents/carers’ satisfaction by discussion then the matter should be referred to a member of the designated Senior Management Team (SMT).

Year 7 – Mrs Bolton

Year 8 – Mrs Howorth

Year 9 – Mr Were

Year 10 – Mr Bennett

Year 11 – Mrs Lunn

It may be appropriate at this stage for the complaint to be put in writing.

Stage 3

If after following stage 1 and stage 2 you feel your complaint/concern has not been resolved then you should put your concern in writing: c/o Headteacher, St Edmund's Catholic School, Arundel Street, Portsmouth, PO1 1RX.

Stage 4

If a parent/carer is still not satisfied that this has been resolved then please put in writing your concern: c/o Clerk to the Governors, St Edmund’s Catholic School, Arundel Street. Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO1 1RX.

Please also refer to the Governor’s Policy (below) on Complaints.

Useful Information

 Complaints Policy November 2023.pdfDownload
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