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Cultural Appreciation day 2023

AK (Year 11), Organiser of Cultural Appreciation Day 2023

After attending student voice meetings, it became apparent that the idea of celebrating our culture with an event at school was a popular one. A team of prefects, led by myself (Ashik (AK) in year 11), and Miss Holt then planned and delivered a school ‘Cultural Appreciation Day’.

This took place on Tuesday the 28th of March and was a very special day, made possible with the help of many students and staff.

During the week, St Edmund’s had the opportunity to highlight our celebration of culture. In the canteen, a tailored menu allowed us to travel the world and its gastronomy. In the morning, around the school, tutor time entailed fun and educational activities where students got the opportunity to discuss culture, appropriation, and appreciation, and how we should celebrate our cultures.

On Tuesday, a non-uniform day allowed the opportunity to come into school displaying an array of colours, patterns, and styles of cultural dress from around the globe. The school playground was filled with colours, football kits, and beautiful outfits that captured the cultural diversity of our school.

The video we created showed a beautiful pan-African dance, Filipino singing and interviews of teachers and students from around the school.

We hope you enjoyed our Cultural Appreciation Day 2023! All of the money raised from the non-uniform day and food sales has been donated to Motiv8, a local, Portsmouth Charity that creates safe communities and inspiring opportunities for young people and their families. This was a whopping £918!

A link to Motiv8 and what the charity does: https://motiv8.org.uk/

We hope that the Cultural Appreciation Day is to be an annual event held at our school, to highlight the importance we give to celebrating the array of cultures of this school. Please find below the video made and some of the amazing cultural dress on display.

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