'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Please note that all our telephone calls are now recorded for monitoring, safeguarding and training.

We have Support Staff vacancies currently available

Wishing all our St Edmund's family an enjoyable summer break.

St Edmund's Catholic School is now closed for the summer holiday and will re-open as follows (Week A):

Year 7 Wednesday 4th September at 0825. 
Year 8 Thursday 5th September at 0825. Line up for assembly.
Year 9 Thursday 5th September at 0825.
Year 10 Thursday 5th September at 0825.
Year 11 Wednesday 4th September at 0930 then go to the Hall for assembly.


School Uniform Shop will only be open during the summer holiday on:

Wednesday 28th August - 9am to 1pm
Thursday 29th August - 9am to 1pm
Friday 30th August - 8am to 11am

As the school is closed we cannot accept any further pre-orders for school uniform. 

Year 8 Bamenda Charity Fun Run

Summer Term Newsletter:

St Edmunds: "A New Chapter"

St Edmund's: Say "Yes" To Prayer!

St Edmund's: The Lord's Prayer

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