'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)



Our Dance department believes in encouraging pupils to develop a plethora of skills through the Arts. Dance lessons at St Edmunds have high standards and expectations that create a comfortable, nurturing learning environment where pupils are able to learn, create, perform, watch, evaluate and ultimately achieve whilst developing confidence and social communication skills and getting the opportunity to develop physical fitness and the benefits hat exercise has been proven to have on our overall wellbeing and mental health.

Summer Update

Implementation of Curriculum at KS3 and KS4:



Dance is a subject that is offered as part of the curriculum at Key Stage 3, with all pupils in Year 7, 8 and 9 taking dance lessons as part of their fortnightly timetable, as well as a GCSE option subject at Key Stage 4.

At Key Stage 4 we study the Level 2 BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts; with a Dance focus. BTEC Dance is an exciting and practical course that builds upon prior knowledge of Dance and performing. It aims to develop physical and interpretive performance skills, which offers a great opportunity for progression. In addition, students will develop their understanding of the Performing Arts industry, the job roles within this, and the constituent features of existing professional dance works.

Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)

Edexcel BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts; Dance.

At KS4 students study the Edexcel BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts; Dance, equivalent to 1 GCSE grade 9-4. This course comprises of three components, all of which have a strongly weighted practical element, with the addition of an element of written coursework that underpins all practical work completed. It aims to develop physical and performance skills through the process of rehearsal and performance, which offers a great opportunity for progression. Students also study a variety of different dance styles, professional dance works, and analyse the different roles on offer within the Performing Arts.


Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts

Develop understanding of the performing arts by examining professional dance work and the processes used to create performance.

Key points:

Watch live and recorded performance material.

Identify how choreographers/performers communicate ideas to their audience. HOW do they choreograph? HOW do they perform?

Explore and develop practical ideas for a performance.

Consider the production elements e.g. set, costume, lighting and sound.  Develop practical dance skills and techniques through the reproduction of professional dance repertoire.


Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts

Assessed through attendance at and contribution to workshops and rehearsals, as well as your unit portfolio, and evaluation coursework.

Key Points:

Being a positive part of a company of dancers.

Take part in technique classes and workshops (high level of attendance necessary).

Demonstrate understanding of health and safety and personal management skills.

Develop physical skills and interpretive skills within set dance phrases and repertoire.

Study and perform in two different dance styles.

Respond to teacher instruction and feedback, and absorb/apply feedback and corrections.

Self-evaluation and identify areas for improvement setting targets, tracking own progress. Work as part of a group to create a workshop performance in response to a given brief and stimulus.


Component 3: Performing to a Brief

Assessed through continuous workshops and technique classes, 2x 2 minute performances in 2 different dance styles, as well as your unit portfolio and evaluation coursework.

Key Points:

Exam paper and brief/stimulus issued.

Completion of an ideas log.

Completion of a skills log.

Work and choreography in groups of 3-7 dancers.

Create a 10-15min performance based on a specific theme stated in the exam paper, performed to a target audience.

Apply physical and interpretive skills.

Communicate your group’s creative intentions.

Evaluation coursework.

Assessed by external examiner based 4 pieces of evidence: 1 – An ideas log, 2 – A skills log, 3 – A digital recording of a performance to an audience, 4 – An evaluation report.






Key Stage 4 Exam Results

Summer 2022:

Level 2 Pass+ (Grade 4+) – 76.5%

Level 2 Merit+ - 58.8%

Level 2 Distinction+ - 41.2%

Level 2 Distinction* - 17.6%

Summer 2021:

Level 2 Pass+ (Grade 4+) – 92%

Level 2 Merit+ - 80%

Level 2 Distinction+ - 36%

Level 2 Distinction* - 28%

Summer 2019:

Level 2 Pass+ (Grade 4+) – 87.1%

Level 2 Merit+ - 71%

Level 2 Distinction+ - 58.1%

Level 2 Distinction* - 16.1%

Summer 2018:

Level 2 Pass+ (Grade 4+) – 100%

Level 2 Merit+ - 73.7%

Level 2 Distinction+ - 47.4%

Level 2 Distinction* - 15.8%


 KS3 Curriculum Map Dance.pdfDownload
 KS4 Curriculum Map Dance.pdfDownload
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