'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

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  3. Career of the Week

Career of the Week

24 May 2021 (by Lisa Slight (lslight))

Political Researcher

What the job entails:

Political researchers find information, and answers to questions, about things to do with politics.

They work in local or national politics in the UK. The information they gather is used by politicians to prepare for debates, speeches and interviews. It may sometimes even lead to new policies and laws being made. It is a very important job.

Routes and choices while at school:

There are no set entry requirements needed to become a political researcher. However, most have been educated to a very high level. Generally, this will mean that you need to do A-levels or equivalent qualifications and a degree. But the first thing to do is to get a good range of GCSEs at grades 4 or C or better, or equivalent. You will need English and maths for most university courses.

Aim to take a broad range of subjects. Political researchers have to find out about many things. History, geography, science and modern languages, for example, could all be useful.


Pay when starting is about £16,000 to £24,000 per year. When experienced, it is about £26,000 to £35,000. For experts with a lot of experience, pay can rise to about £45,000.

If you have any careers queries or would like to discuss any aspects of careers in more detail, please see Mrs Halford at Student Services.