'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Uniform Shop Summer Opening Times:

Wednesday 28th August - Thursday 29th August 2024 - 9.00 am - 1.00 pm.

Friday 30th August 2024 - 8.00 am - 11.00 am.

Transition to St Edmund's September 2024

Please contact transition@saintedmunds.org.uk should you have any queries.  

Year 7 Tutor Groups September 2024

 We are currently in the process of allocating Tutor groups. You will be notified of your child's tutor once this is complete.

Tutor Group Tutor Group Language New Parents Evening Date Time
7 Damien Mrs Couselo-Feans Spanish Monday 1st July 2024 5.00 pm
7 Devereux Mr Ghosh French Monday 1st July 2024 5.00 pm
7 John Paul Miss Bunting Spanish Monday 1st July 2024 6.00 pm
7 Kolbe Miss Taylor French Monday 1st July 2024 6.00 pm
7 Newman Mrs Germain Spanish Tuesday 2nd July 2024 5.00 pm
7 Romero Mrs Dailly Spanish Tuesday 2nd July 2024 5.00 pm
7 Stein Miss Cornish Spanish Tuesday 2nd July 2024 6.00 pm
7 Teresa Mrs Jennings French Tuesday 2nd July 2024 6.00 pm


Portsmouth SEND: Next Steps After Primary. 

This website from Portsmouth City Council SEND team will help parents and carers through different steps to help make transition to secondary school smoother. It includes top tips from teachers and blogs from parents who give accounts of their experiences. Many of the tips include, preparing early and doing lots of research.

For more information click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Parent Q&A.pdfDownload
 Pupil Q&A.pdfDownload
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Language Choice

At St Edmund’s we try, where possible, to give students choices in their personal education plan. Pupils are either taught French or Spanish and usually study these into GCSE. Please could you discuss this with your child and complete the Language Choice form by clicking the link below. The deadline for return is:

FRIDAY 14th APRIL 2024  12.00 noon. 

We do need to make you aware that although we endeavour to give these choices, sometimes we are not able to accommodate due to extenuating circumstances ie: friendship group preferences/issues that are highlighted from the current primary schools.


Please click here to log your Language Choice.


Should you have any questions relating to your child's language choice please email: choices@saintedmunds.org.uk

and a member of the Transition team will get back to you.