'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Enquiries for In-Year Applications contact:

Admissions Officer at the School on 02392 892593 or extension 214
Email: nwhite@saintedmunds.org.uk

In Year Transfer Application & Supplementary Information Forms

 IN YEAR APPLICATION FORM 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
 In Year Supplementary Information form 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Planned admission numbers for each Year group for in accordance with the Admission Policies: 


Year Group


Year 7   (Admission Policy 2023/24)


Year 8   (Admission Policy 2022/23)


Year 9   (Admission Policy 2021/22)


Year 10 (Admission Policy 2020/21)


Year 11 (Admission Policy 2019/20)


If you would like to apply for a place at St Edmund's Catholic School, please complete an Application and Supplementary Information form. Once complete, please submit both forms along with the relevant information required as stated on the front of the Application Form to the Admissions Officer.


St Edmund’s is a Catholic Voluntary Aided School open to boys and girls aged 11 to 16 of all abilities, faiths and denominations.

The School was established by the Catholic people of Portsmouth to provide a Christian education for their children within the discipline and tradition of the Catholic Church. The fundamental aim of the School today is to present a clear Christian philosophy and way of life, providing opportunities in which Christian values may develop.  We ask all parents applying for a place at St Edmund’s Catholic School to respect our Catholic ethos and its importance to the School community. This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the faith of this School to apply for and be considered for a place here.

Any application for a place at St Edmund’s should be made with as much knowledge about the school as possible and in the full support of all school practices.

St Edmund’s Catholic School being its own Admission Authority and the Governors of the Admission Committee have agreed the following for all in-year transfer applications made to the school from Thursday 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024 inclusive.

Any parent wishing to submit an in-year transfer application for their child will need to complete an In-Year Transfer Application Form and submitting the following information:

  • Proof of address will be required with the completed application.
  • A copy of your child’s birth certificate will be required with the completed application.
  • If applying from overseas, a copy of yours and your child’s Passport/Visa will be required with the completed application.

A Supplementary Information Form must be completed and submitted alongside the application form. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide the necessary evidence stated on the form that is relevant to your child. All applications are prioritised in accordance with the Admissions Policy and failure to return the supporting evidence with the application could mean that your child is not considered under the correct criteria.

Evidence required with the completed application and supplementary information form form (please see Admission Policy):

  • Child’s baptism certificate or letter/certificate of reception into the Catholic church required for category’s 1, 2 & 6.
  • Evidence of looked after or previously looked after child required for category 3.
  • Certificate or letter of enrolment onto the RCIA/Catechumen programme required for category 4.
  • Category’s 5, 7, 9 & 10 no evidence required, only supplementary information form to be completed.
  • Parent(s) baptismal certificate required for category 8.
  • If you are applying for a Year 10 or 11 place, please be aware that it may not be possible to match your child’s curriculum needs, especially if your child has already started his or her GCSEs. Please contact the School for further information regarding GCSE options available.

Please do not submit an in-year application form if your child has a statement of special educational need (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care plan. Please contact the SEN team on 02392 841 238.

If you are unsure of what evidence to provide, please contact the Admissions Officer before you submit the application.

Applications can be submitted to the school by either email, post or in person to reception to the Admissions Officer: Mrs N White


Successful Applications

Once an application form has been submitted, the Admissions Officer will check the application and relevant paperwork submitted. The application will then be passed to the Headteacher/Governors of the Admission Committee for consideration.

If successful and a place can be offered to the child, you will be contacted by the Admissions Officer who will invite you to a welcome meeting with the Headteacher. You will be given a tour of the school and a welcome pack with the opportunity to purchase school uniform. A start date will also be discussed along with the induction programme/stages.

If you are a family that has arrived in the country from overseas, you may be required to come in for an assessment meeting with our English as an additional language teacher for EMAS support and to help us set your child into the correct group.


Unsuccessful Applications

If the application is unsuccessful,  the child’s name will be placed onto the waiting list. Parents will be notified in writing within 15 school days which will include the reason why the application was unsuccessful and information on the appeal procedure.

The Local Authority is notified of every unsuccessful application received with child name, DOB, Year group applied form and parental contact information. If an application has not been made for another school, the Local Authority Admissions department will contact the parent directly.


Waiting List

The School holds its own in-year transfer waiting list. The Admissions Officer contacts parents 3 times a year (Autumn term, Spring term, Summer term) to confirm if parents still require to be considered for a place at the school and for the child to remain on the waiting list.

Parents are given a deadline to respond and any child whose name has not been confirmed will be removed.

Students on the waiting list can be carried over to the next academic year, however, parents will be required to complete a new application form for the current year.

Full instructions will be sent to parents as part of the waiting list confirmation letter including deadlines and who to contact.


Please note: the waiting list does not operate on a first come first served basis. All applications are ranked in accordance with the Admissions Policy and using the criteria and distance from the school as a tie-breaker the child’s name is placed onto the waiting list. If an application is received that is either of a higher-ranked criterion  or of the same criteria but of a closer distance to the school they would place higher on the waiting list.

In-Year Transfer Forms

Only complete the following forms if your child has been allocated a place with a start date:


Click for: Pupil Documentation form


Click for: Parent Consent form


Click for: School Building Fund form